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如果您居住於中國、香港、澳門或海外地區,請於 下單




如果您還未完成付款的話,您可以在我們頁面上重新選購,忽略該未付款的訂單。 如果已完成付款,請透過Facebook專頁 Gadgetvmall.或電郵 與我們的客戶服務部聯絡,我們會盡快為您處理。


如果您已經下了訂單想更改地址,請馬上透過Facebook專頁Gadgetvmall.或電郵與我們的客戶服務部更改您的送貨地址。 由於系統限制,您無法於系統直接更改送貨地址,而訂單記錄亦不會顯示送件地址更新,但我們的出貨部門樂意為您更改送貨地址。


寄往香港:香港本地所有郵件一律採用本公司指定的速遞公司寄出,如顧客有特別指定速遞公司或要求,請透過Facebook專頁 Gadgetvmall 或電郵 Gadgetvmall 與我們的客戶服務部聯絡。

寄往海外:本公司提供的免郵費郵寄服務(海外客戶)使用香港郵政以包裹服務寄出,備有tracking number 及簽收服務,安全可靠。如需指定其他速遞公司,或需由顧客承擔額外費用。請聯絡: Gadgetvmall  運費

我們會根據不同地區而收取相應的運費,當客戶付款時,系統會詳細列出所有費用,包括送貨費用。在單次交易內,凡購物滿以下指定金額,即可享有免費送貨優惠。 如有任何疑問,請透過Facebook專頁 Gadgetvmall 或電郵 Gadgetvmall 與我們的客戶服務部聯絡。

香港運費:收費劃一,每張訂單 HK$50 - 訂單超過HK$400免運費

中國及澳門運費:收費劃一,每張訂單 HK$50 - 訂單超過HK$400免運費

海外運費:收費劃一,每張訂單 HK$80 - 訂單超過HK$500免運費




香港: 大約2個工作天出貨

澳門: 大約2個工作天出貨

海外地區: 大約2個工作天出貨


香港本地  Gadgetvmall e服務態度專業謹慎,訂單送出前已一再覆檢,確保產品品質良好,並細心包裹盡方法減低運送過程中發生損毀的可能。我們提供「3日貨品退換購物保證」,若您收到貨品時,發現貨品損毀、不完整或變質,我們很樂意為您退換該貨品。您可以透過Facebook專頁 Gadgetvmall 或電郵 Gadgetvmall 辦理退換貨品。


- 該筆訂單編號

- 收到訂購產品的損毀情況/細節

- 敬請隨函附上受損毀產品的電子圖檔

- 當我們收到您的退換通知並確認後立即跟進,請您先保存受損產品。

- 我們會在收到退貨後約 10 個工作天,把貨品退回。於批核申請後,我們會請您將該受損產品寄回予我們作更換,送遞費用由 Gadgetvmall 吸收。


- 產品由收貨期起計超過3天產品 - 已經開封或曾被使用(例如包裝膠紙或盒被撕去)

- 產品並未保持完好包裝、已受破壞、損毀或不完整(包裹收妥時已損毀或產品外盒完好但內容物損毀者不在此限)

- 任何顯示不接受退貨的折扣產品、清貨產品或特賣產品

- 任何免費贈品及試用裝禮品任何不在 Gadgetvmall 購買之產品

- 本店產品皆為外國進口品牌,故品牌包裝規格常有更改。我們會盡最大努力確保網站資訊與產品一致。若產品包裝規格與實物有異,以實物為準。 如有任何爭議, Gadgetvmall 保留最終決定權不得異議


 Gadgetvmall 專為使用其網上服務購買本公司產品的顧客而設,所有於 Gadgetvmall 購買的產品只供個人使用。如貨品運送到香港以外國家,您將被當地視為入口者,您或有機會需要繳付收費及遞交申領文件,或因清關問題導致延遲收到貨品(包括但不限於繳付稅項、罰款、其他附加費用,或就有關貨品向運送目的地申請或登記進口許可證),以上視乎運送目的地法例而定。由於每個國家的法例均不一樣及更新頻繁, Gadgetvmall 未能控制或預計這類收費或文件的數目,亦無法預估清關所需工作時數。若有部分特別情況,海關清關時數可長達一個月以上(例如美國)。 Gadgetvmall 將不會為任何以上狀況繳付任何收費或處理文件申領手續, Gadgetvmall 亦不會對第三方公司或海關所引致的派送問題承擔任何法律及條例責任(例如郵件寄失、延遲或損毀)。若使用 Gadgetvmall 購物,閣下則同意及接受使用 Gadgetvmall 時承擔有關風險及遵守在此訂明的所有條款。如顧客對所在國家的入口關稅、法例或清關所需日數有任何疑問,請跟當地海關聯絡。退款方面,因為郵費成本高昂問題,海外顧客恕不接受退款,敬請原諒。

- Delivery  Gadgetvmall has been especially designed by  Gadgetvmall Store for customers using its online shopping services. Items sold at  Gadgetvmall are intended for personal use only. Customs penalties, charges, delay or other expenses incurred as a result of an action by customs will be charged to the consignee along with any applicable duty or tax,  Gadgetvmall will not have or accept any liability, obligation or responsibility whatsoever for any loss or damage. Any purchase made by using the online shopping services on this site is subject to and governed by the  Gadgetvmall  Online Shopping Terms and Conditions. The purchased products shall be accepted by the customer entirely at the Customer's own risk. Related shipping costs will be charged according the delivery regions, the details of delivery fees and product fees will be listed out in detail before check-out. Member also can enjoy the free shipping when purchase amount specified amount in single transaction of our website. Products will be ship out on the next business day after received payment, Hong Kong customers will usually received their item within 1-5 business day. You are considered the importer of record when ordering from Gadgetvmall . In the country that items in which you are receiving, you must comply with all the laws and requirements. You will need to bear for custom clearance including but not limited to import duties and/or taxes, clearance delays, any additional charges and import licence register or application that your orders maybe subject to.  Gadgetvmall  would not be responsible for any liabilities or any responsibilities for any fees, charges, delays, licenses and/or document works of your ordered goods in accordance with constantly updated local customs laws and/or duties and taxes. Customs policies and custom clearance time frame vary widely from country to country and in some special occasions it may take up to 1.5 months for custom clearance (e.g. in USA). Please contact with your local customs office for further information before placing order if any doubt.

Shipping fee

We will charge the corresponding shipping fee according to different regions. When the customer pays, the system will list all costs in detail, including the shipping cost. In a single transaction, you can enjoy a free shipping discount when shopping for the specified amount below. If you have any questions, please contact our customer service department via Facebook page Gadgetvmall  or email 

Hong Kong:HK$50 each order - Free shipping for orders over HK$400

China & Macau:HK$50each order - Free shipping for orders over HK$400

Overseas:HK$80 each order - Free shipping for orders over HK$500

The shipping cost listed in shopping cart/ checkout page shall be final.


We try very best packaging all items to reduce the occurrence of damage, occasionally accidents happen during shipment. If your order arrived damaged or defective, we are happy to replace the damaged/defective items in your order under the 3 Days Returns Policy. We are to address this problem immediately.

Please email to  Gadgetvmall  right away, and include the following information:

- Your order number.

- The details of the damaged/defective product received.

- Attach electronic images of damaged/defective products upon receipt.

We will respond to your message as quickly as we can. In the meantime, please DO NOT throw away your damaged/defective items. We will ask you to send the damaged/defective items back to us (at our expense). Thank you.

The returns products are excluded :

- Any product returned more than 3 days after receipt date

- Product has been opened/used

- Product is not its original condition/damaged/missing part

- Any free gift/sample not returned

- Products without official receipt

- In case of dispute,  Gadgetvmall  decision shall be final and conclusive

- Final sale items are identified as such on their product information pages.

When you receive your order, please check to make sure they in good condition (i.e. not damaged or defective) and contact us right away if there is a problem with your shipment.

- Our products are all imported products, and their brand packaging specifications are changed quite often. We will do our best to ensure that the website information is consistent with the product. If the product packaging specifications are different from the actual ones, the actual product shall prevail.

Gadgetvmall  will process your returns within 10 working days after receiving the returned parcel.